The #somethingiswrong campaign was launched in South Tyrol, has been further developed for Tyrol and will continue to be circulated on social media and in public spaces. All materials to promote the campaign are available free of charge here.

Spread the campaign!

The campaign hashtags:




Share the digital version of the campaign, take photos of the posters, and multiply them on social media with the hashtags to build awareness of the issue.

All editions of the posters opposing violence against women are also available free of charge to download, print and hang up in the standard poster formats. In order to spread the campaign in the public spaces of other cities and municipalities, it is helpful to consider the following aspects:

  • Who manages the billboards in public spaces and which ones can be used?
  • What are the printing costs and the costs of fixing the posters?
  • Who could financially support the dissemination of the campaign?

Download the posters here for free and spread the campaign!

The freely available posters in the various standard formats cannot be modified and are protected under a Creative Commons license.


The campaign started without logos and we would like to avoid using logos in the future. However, if a logo (of an association or of the administration financing the printing and the billposting) needs to be added, we can send editable files. In this case, however, we ask for a donation to refinance and continue the campaign, as well as the signing of an agreement for correct and non-commercial use.

For questions and information:

Where can one donate?


Cassa Rurale di Bolzano

IBAN: IT49Y0808111610000306006175


In which places has the campaign already been shared?

The project started in South Tyrol and was initially distributed throughout the province. Through cooperation with associations and the public administration, as well as residents and activists, the campaign – and thus the discourses and debates around the issue of violence against women – was taken to other cities and municipalities in Italy and beyond. The first edition has already been shown in five countries and translated into three other languages.


Would you like to share the campaign or develop it further in a new collaboration?
Contact us:

Bern (CHE)Edition 1

The campaign is supported and digitally shared by Brava NGO in Bern.

The campaign is supported and digitally shared by Brava NGO in Bern. Brava – formerly TERRE DES FEMMES Switzerland – is a non-profit, donation-based NGO. Its vision is a just society in which all people – regardless of their gender – live free from violence and with self-determination. Brava fights to end violence against women and sexism in Switzerland. Its special focus is on people in particularly precarious situations, such as refugee women. With educational opportunities, counselling, political work, and awareness-raising, they seek to counteract the status quo. Brava is feminist, open and inclusive, anti-racist and intersectional.

Brussels (BEL)Edition 1

The poster series “Sensing Violence” by Teresa Sdralevich and Rosalyn D’Mello is shown at the Kaaitheatre and in public spaces in Brussels in Dutch, English and French.

Founded in 1977 as a pioneer of innovative performing arts, Kaaitheater is a stage for dance, theatre, performance, music and talks in Brussels. The Kaaitheater programmemoves with the times, stimulates social and artistic debates and embraces the diverse performing arts of today.


Along with the performance Domestic Violence by Markus Öhrn, recently staged in Brussels, Kaaitheater partnered up with Lungomare to set up an awareness campaign on relational violence. In line with the existing poster campaign #qualcosanonva, new posters were made in Dutch, English and French and distributed in large numbers throughout the city of Brussels.

Jesi (IT)Edition 1

From 25 November 2021, the campaign posters will be put up in the town of Jesi in the Marche region and distributed on notice boards. The dissemination will be done through the collaboration and support of the Pensiero Manifesto group.

From 25 November 2021, the campaign posters will be distributed and displayed on notice boards in the town of Jesi in the Marche region. The dissemination will be carried out with the collaboration and support of the Pensiero Manifesto group.


The Pensiero Manifesto collective is a group that has decided to critically read the social and cultural context in which they live through graphic language and a specific tool, the poster. The members of the collective come from different backgrounds: Graphic designers, artists, illustrators, photographers, videographers, anthropologists, researchers, who all share a common vision – to connect the word communication with the concept of usefulness. They communicate in order to stimulate debate, to activate dialogue and to emphasise the deep bond between a city and its inhabitants. The billboard is the place of encounter, a 70×100 membrane where the private becomes public, where individual thought becomes communal.


The collective consists of Chris Rocchegiani, Maria Loreta Pagnani, Roberto Montani, Samantha Capomasi, Stefano Baldassari, Stefania Andreoni and Tommaso Pigliapochi.

Lienz (AT)Edition 1

The East Tyrol Women’s Centre disseminates the campaign as part of the “16 Days against Violence against Women” in Lienz and in East Tyrolean schools.

The East Tyrol Women’s Centre is promoting the campaign as part of the “16 Days opposing Violence against Women” in Lienz and in East Tyrolean schools.

The East Tyrol Women’s Centre is a victim protection organisation that offers counselling and support in cases of violence, for example by arranging transitional housing or by accompanying women during the trial process. It offers psycho-social counselling on the topics of relationship conflicts and livelihood security, helps in strengthening self-esteem and life planning, as well as life crises and difficult decision-making situations. Legal counselling covers the areas of marriage and cohabitation, separation and divorce, custody, protection against violence, inheritance and more. Special counselling for girls is offered in the form of workshops on violence, relationships, sexuality and health. In addition, the East Tyrol Women’s Centre organises women-specific events and public relations work.

Vienna (AT) Edition 1

The campaign will be disseminated digitally and in the national network “Allianz GewaltFREI leben”.

The campaign is disseminated digitally and in the national network of Allianz GewaltFREI leben (Alliance Live ViolenceFREE).


The Vienna Intervention Centre is a state-recognised victim protection organisation that offers support to victims of family violence, stalking and violence against women in the form of social and legal counselling, accompaniment to authorities (police, court) and process support.
The service is free of charge and confidential and offers counselling in Armenian, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, German, Georgian, Persian, Polish, Russian and Turkish as well as in English and Spanish, and in other languages with the support of interpreters.

Vienna (AT)Edition 1

In spring 2022, Stand 129 put up posters for the campaign at Vienna’s Viktor Adler Markt for several months and distributed the motifs via social media.

Stand 129, Caritas Vienna’s art and culture space (Kunst- und Kulturraum), offers space for new encounters and creates new approaches to contemporary art. Under the motto “Art for All”, art is created in the midst of the colourful hustle and bustle of the Viktor Adler Market not only for, but with people.


Through artistic interventions in the hustle and bustle of the Viktor-Adler-Markt, workshops for children during the school holidays or thematic project focuses that extend over four to twelve weeks, Stand 129 promotes discussion and reflection processes.


Stand 129 is part of the Kulturhaus Brotfabrik.